Sunday 4 September 2011

Welcome shoppers!


My name is Aimee, I'm sure you have gathered that I LOVE to shop!

I live on the Isle of Man which makes it rather difficult, we do have limited shops and we have to make the best of whats here.

Thankfully a trip to the mainland doesn't take too long, but they do mount up in expense and time off work.

I have always loved fashion, I studied knitted design at University, check out my website

Its bizarre how much your weight can affect you, seriously carrying an extra few pounds .. more like a stone, has made me feel less inspired when it comes to fashion and clothing, I stopped enjoying the glossy magazines and its more than likely because I did not feel confident enough to wear any of the items featured then why tease myself?

Anyhow, I haven't lost a lot, but I am feeling inspired again. I am currently giving the dukan diet a go and there are results, and hopefully soon enough I will be back to where I need to be!

In the mean time whilst I am not confident enough to buy revealing clothes, I seem to focus my attention on shoes, I have a lot of shoes, some I will not part with for a very long time, and others that I need to make a decision about. So whilst this is a fashion blog, for now it will predominantly focus on shoes, until I feel 100% comfortable to wear more outrageous clothes and be myself again!

I am currently cutting down on my shoes, to make room for new ones of course! I am going to take photos of shoes that I may be willing to part with and make decisions from there, please feel free to comment, be honest, give your thoughts.. I need more space in my wardrobe!
